Baby Milestones: 0-6 Months – The Early Stages of Growth

The first six months are a period of rapid growth as babies develop basic motor, sensory, and social skills. Milestones during this time are foundational and set the stage for more complex movements and interactions.

Key Milestones:

  • 0-3 Months:
    • Physical milestones: Babies can lift their heads during tummy time, kick their legs, and begin to reach for objects.
    • Cognitive milestones: They start recognizing familiar faces and sounds, especially of caregivers.
    • Social milestones: Babies begin to smile socially by 6-8 weeks and enjoy cooing sounds.
  • 4-6 Months:
    • Physical milestones: Rolling over is common, and babies may start sitting with support. They grasp objects and bring them to their mouths.
    • Cognitive milestones: Babies begin to show interest in toys, exploring them by shaking and touching.
    • Social milestones: They start to laugh, respond to playful interactions, and may develop an attachment to their caregivers.

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