Baby Milestones: 7-12 Months – Moving and Communicating

As babies approach their first year, they become more mobile and begin to communicate in more meaningful ways. This stage is all about exploration and interaction with the world around them.

Key Milestones:

  • 7-9 Months:
    • Physical milestones: Crawling begins, and babies may start pulling themselves up to stand. Fine motor skills improve with pincer grasping.
    • Cognitive milestones: Object permanence develops, making games like peek-a-boo engaging.
    • Social milestones: Babbling intensifies with new sounds, and they recognize their name.
  • 10-12 Months:
    • Physical milestones: Babies may take their first steps and have better hand coordination for activities like stacking blocks.
    • Cognitive milestones: They understand simple instructions like “no” and start imitating gestures.
    • Social milestones: First words may emerge, and they show strong emotional connections to familiar faces.

These months mark the transition from babyhood to toddlerhood, as babies gain independence and confidence in their abilities.

Learn more about Baby Milestones

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